All children must be enrolled by an adult.
Please note at times other than the first week of each term, your child may enrol and we encourage attendance on the following day as we need to allow time for enrolment interviews and preparation.
At the enrolment interview, we will...
It is helpful to bring a copy of your child's latest school report. If your child is enrolling at school for the first time as a five year old, you will be required to show a birth certificate or passport, and an immunisation record.
At the enrolment interview, we will...
- discuss with you our expectations
- invite you to ask questions of us
- explain our kaupapa and behaviour plan
- have your child undertake initial questionnaire and academic tests to support our undertanding of your child's needs
- use of image consent authorisation - amongst other forms
- If you have any concerns about your child:
- feel free to contact the classroom teacher
- you may approach either the deputy principal or the school principal
- a copy of the school complaints procedure is posted in the school foyer and a copy is available on request.
It is helpful to bring a copy of your child's latest school report. If your child is enrolling at school for the first time as a five year old, you will be required to show a birth certificate or passport, and an immunisation record.